Core Beliefs Explanatory

Train Americanism


The trouble with “schooling” is that you do not learn anything from it, except for what people want you to believe and repeat about things. It is an institution of social programming, not education. Especially now that the progressives own it.

To actually learn, you have to do. There’s no “doing” in “schooling.” At least there wasn’t for me. There is no learning in progressivism—only indoctrination. So I “did” on my own, got into trouble for it, learned the waste of time “schooling” was, the evil that progressivism is, and left both as soon as possible.

The Beast

Mankind’s “Feast of the Beast” is its own religious belief, in its own “knowledge.”

The emotion that feeds ego. Knowledge is not an experience nor an understanding, though experience and understanding can feed the emotion of knowledge. Human beings do not—cannot—know anything. Human experience and understanding are at best coincidental to reality, and always incomplete. Beastly humans get upset when reality violates their knowledge. Spiritual humans learn when reality differs from their remembrance of prior experience and conclusions.

Ego is the path of discontent, because ego is incompetent and cannot learn. Faith is the path of simple competence, and celebrates its ability to do and learn and do better still. Ego is loss, not boss.

Humanity’s belief in the supremacy of itself feeds its ego, the actual beast of lore, and fuels the inevitable, reliable self-destruction of its species. Ego being an artifact of early bio-cognition, mankind has long out grown the need for it, but is plagued by it none the less. (Perhaps due to their early stages of life, ego is still relevant?)

The cure for this madness is the breakthrough of learning to trust and rely on things beyond their beastly limits of “knowledge,” their limits of seeing and understanding. That is a breakthrough that subverts the ego, replacing it with faith, born of empirical experience and understanding, versus knowledge, which is just an ego emotion, the beast’s religion, not real. This single event marks the point of maturation and power in the life of a human animal. From that point forward they begin to thrive within their ability to do and live life, versus their ego’s desire to be God and rule the universe (I know, right?). Without this breakthrough, human life is an insufferable event aided only by the gift of their own mortality, death itself.

I just hope you do not have to die to prove my point.


The Cure

I liked writing that bit above as if we were talking about something other than ourselves. But we are after all, our own category of thing, as particularly as all other things. What applies, applies universally. That’s the law. Not above nor below. Pretending to be different, apart from the rest of nature, doesn’t make it so. Needing to be apart from nature, well that’s just a rejection of who we are, a rejection of God, a rejection of reality. Stupid. Being here makes us valuable, not our ego’s need to be God. My experience and understanding revealed that my ego was the false condemning God of my early life. Fake God. I fired it, opened myself up to creation itself, God, and have been thriving ever since.

The name for this cure is spirituality.

The counter measure of this cure, by the beast, the ego, is religion. God in a box. Inside the limits and control of the ego’s ability to pretend Godhood. The beast.

You get the beast, religion, through words and words about words. Knowledge. Mental flatulence very satisfying to the beast, to your ego.

You get spirituality through the lessons of action, experience, understanding. Faith in God beyond your ability to see and understand, but not beyond your ability to experience. Experience is the only way. The act of letting go of that branch you seem to think is keeping you alive, but is really keeping shackled to your ego’s insecurity. The act of letting go of that branch being the simultaneous act of embracing the grace of God, which is here to love us back!

We are beautiful to God, in the fragility of our being. Valuable in being here at all. My love, my faith in God is to love and thank God no matter what I happen to be. I live to be thankful for living. I trust death too, death being as ordinary as life, both being remarkable and real and mine. God’s gifts to each of us.

Always learning, only interested in what we can do as human animals. Not pre-occupied by resenting everything that is not as we “know” it is supposed to be. Spiritual living is living at its best.

Train Americanism!

Spirituality is the first requisite of Americanism, as I present it. Coupled with the “Life Guiding Principles of Freedom” these lead us to the signature quality of Americanism: simple competence. As I present it. Consider the above an introduction to spiritual living. Words do little to teach it, other than to put you onto the need to act, to experience, to reach and know that which is beyond our ability to see and understand.

So my advice to aspiring (or just curious) Americans is to serve. Find a cause and support it. Take action, be a part of something greater than yourself. When it goes well, don’t think in terms of: “Wow, look at what I did!” Think in terms of: “Wow, thank you God for my part in that.”

All the words in the world are nothing compared to experience, and you only experience what you do, not what you think about doing, nor what you think about what others have done. Spiritual pride is gratitude, very different from ego pride which is delusional self-worship, an odious thing.

Be sure to include in your acts of service, telling others about the your training in Americanism. Not like “Look at me, training in Americanism.” but as “You know, I did this service work for <whatever> and got more out of it than I put in. I didn’t expect that!” That sort of telling. Exemplify that value as an American and you will help others who want it too. When asked, tell them.

No doubt you’ve heard the expression: “Life works in mysterious ways.” Those mysterious ways are the real and reliable graces of God that are here to provide for our happy existence. None of which can happen when we’re in the way, trying to “make it happen.”

Social Programming Bad.

Chances are, you are socially programmed to obey your ego, and fuel the “co-dependence industries” that aristocracy has built to feed off of you and your incompetent living. When you do this, you surrender your loyalty to the aristocracy, volunteer as a slave to that systemic exploitation, and live according to values probably not your own. Co-dependent industries are those goods and services in life that are valuable to you, due to your willful incompetence in providing for yourself. Thus the co-dependence. You get by without learning, they get rich providing you temporary relief.

All of these are acts of violence. Remember violence is deception, manipulation and physical harm. Not just physical harm. Deception and manipulation are far more harmful to you and society than physical harm, because it is socially programmed to be ignored, while strategically essential to social exploitation. For social programming to be noticed (hello!), it has to be questioned, and under examination, it fails—setting you free from it.

Social programming, political correctness, progressivism, these are a war of words against reality, the death choice. Americanism is the victory of experience and understanding, the victory of learning and simple competence, secured by the certainty of faith. Those are your choices.

On the assumption you’ve chosen Americanism (you’re still reading), your training never ends. You’ll soon see that training is in fact, one of the hidden rewards of Americanism, that can only be discovered through its practice. The three core parts of Americanism, as I present it, are spiritual living, the “Life Guiding Principles of Freedom” and simple competence.

I introduced the “Life Guiding Principles of Freedom” in the article “Americanism In Brief” Read them, learn them, use them to understand their value. So far as I’ve found, this is the first explanation of what freedom actually is. And it is wonderful!

Lots of people already live this way, and for those of you who do, recognize the service you can do in sharing the success of your Americanism. Most people do not live this way, and for those who are about to start, welcome!

One last mention. Supporting my campaign for US Senate is an excellent way to train in Americanism, meet fellow Americans, serve yourself and build America! No time like the present. 🙂

Glad to have you, let me know how it is going, and ask if you need help, in the comments.

David Weeks
Candidate United States Senate, Florida, 2018.