
Lessons Learned

It is today, Saturday November 10th, 2018, and the election for Florida’s US Senate is still pending.  Huh.  Which party is going to win?  I do not like Bill Nelson, he is an enemy (not an opponent), but if “they” are able to steal this election away from Rick Scott, also an enemy (not an opponent), then more power to them.  Either way, we the people lose, again; and they, the establishment, win, again.

There is a reason why it is called the “establishment.”

But this is not new to me.  What is clear to me now though, is that a civilian quest for an American Nation State is going to have to work entirely outside the establishment in order to work at all.  Our whole social order is fastidiously corrupt, and well hardened against any sort of correction.  No more shill organizations that waste the proper outrage of the people.  We need to unite under Civilian America, now and forever, outside of establishment methods, schedules and rules.  Those methods, schedules and rules are specifically designed and adjusted to exploit us, not serve us.

Those are the lessons learned.

I’m glad that not a single approach for coverage of my candidacy was even acknowledge, nor even a single contact was offered, to cover my candidacy for office.  Were that to have happened, I would have held onto that slimmest of possibilities that there was any credibility in media what—so—ever.  There isn’t.  None of it is credible.  (Maybe Rush Limbaugh, I’ll find out soon enough.)  That a show is on the air, that show is there to do the job of managing its demographic, not serve them.  From Alex Jones to NPR.  Divide and rule.  Shill groups that vent public frustration without endangering the establishment.

But Civilian America is my group.  My organization.  My call.  And I do not share the establishment’s desire to protect its “power.”  I’m about destroying its “power.”  Civilian America is about eliminating the political dominance of the establishment—for real, not as a shill.

So with the close of this campaign (which I got off of once I failed to gather enough support to make the ballot) it passes with nothing more than the notice that Americans still have no electoral control of this government.

This political state, incorrectly called the “American” government, is really just Europe 2.0  And “European” governments sucks.  OK, Switzerland isn’t all bad, because Switzerland isn’t really part of Europe, in political terms.  In America the people are supposed to be sovereign over the government; in Europe, the government is sovereign over the people.  Via the party corruption of our elections, this government is a party government, not a civilian government, thus Europe 2.0.  We the American people, neither own nor operate this country, the aristocracy does, the establishment, by way of party government.  Utterly un-American.  Political party participation isn’t patriotic, is is subversive, to actual American governance.

With that, I now direct you to Civilian America: https://civilianamerica.com

There is no “campaign.” Americanism is a way of life. When we live as Americans, we will always be ready to support each other into office.

David Weeks
Information Developer

By the way, I have my own site at: https://davidweeks.us