Thank you for your interest in my campaign.

I do not know if we share the same desires for America, but if we do, we have to share them together, or fail them all alone.
This is a war between people who care most about living their lives (us), versus people who care most about ruling our world (them).
If I do not make the ballot ($10,000 by April 20th), this part of my effort ends at the beginning of May, 2018. So there is some urgency in my request.

Supporting me IS winning. The election is secondary. I say that due to the feedback I get from the people I ask for help, who refuse to help, because I cannot possibly win. If you only want to support a candidate who’s only value to you is a good chance of “winning,” then I do not bring that value. Roughly half of the voters will always lose anyway. The value I bring is a show of defiance and force against the “establishment,” the aristocracy. The only thing that matters. If that defiance is valuable to you, I am your guy. Otherwise, our “elections” are a fraud and waste of time, most people don’t even bother, which also support the aristocracy. Real elections start here, now! I am the one for this job.

To those who just don’t get involved: I say that unless you are involved, call yourself whatever you want, but you are not an American. The very quality of Americanism is the rejection of European government. We failed at that the first time we tried to establish America. We have European government, not American government! This effort is our second attempt to establish America, let’s do better. This time we start without slavery, women are human beings on parity with men, we have greater literacy, and an accessible means of communication and banking. If you are not willing to be American, then accept your place in the herd. Cause that’s all you are to the ruling aristocracy, a herd. Managed and exploited, ever more efficiently. That’s how it is, that is how it has been.

Your show of support would frighten the aristocracy, the “swamp”, but you’ll have to support me to do that. My victory in winning the US Senate would be devastating to them, but that’s just one seat, six years, so what? A movement of Americans against the aristocracy, now THAT’S an uprising! The idea that unless we win this election our work is for naught, is mistaken. Your support is a show of force, a force directly combative to the evil that will always plague us: willful exploitative incompetence. Wake up to reality. Own your country. Support this campaign.

By the way, if you are afraid of the aristocracy, you are part of the aristocracy—they own you. You’re probably the expendable part too. Being an American is too risky for you. Too bad, we can really use your help, and you could really use a country.

The other side of this is that my best effort to be an American fails “miserably,” which so far it has. That is disappointing, but not miserable, because misery is a choice, and I choose not to be miserable. This action, my campaign, is the sanity checker of my idea, that there is a collection of Americans who are done with what we have as governement, and are willing to act to replace it with something productive and true. This is civilian government. I have the notion that people are done with what we’ve got, and want to do something productive to replace it. I’m putting that idea to the test, pass/fail.

Be sure to look at the “Clarity Unity Action” page too, or you’ll miss it!

Do YOU want to:

  • disrupt our long-broken politics?
  • have your vote heard?
  • have your vote count?
  • upset the political industry?
  • including the media?
  • including the political parties?
  • defeat the aristocracy?

If you are capable of breaking your social programming, you can support my campaign as a civilian candidate, against candidates forced on you by the Democrat/Republican political party machine. If you are capable of breaking your social programming, this is the only disruptive, productive thing you can do in this election. Voting for a party candidate is not only a wasted vote, it is a wasted election!

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Have I mentioned that governments are criminal organizations, politically organized for the purpose of playing God, in service to the aristocracy? (The aristocracy being nothing more, or less, than the political establishment.) Talk about speaking truth to weakness, reality to fiction! If that sounds ridiculous, preposterous, outrageous!, please read: Of What Value Is America To You? And you’ll probably want to read: Americanism In Brief too.

They don’t teach that “governments are criminal organizations, politically organized for the purpose of playing God, in service to the aristocracy” in the School of Public Affairs, at The American University, in Washington, DC. But they should. That is truth to weakness, reality to fiction. I had to learn and sort it myself. Which is itself, a very telling lesson. I learned lots about serving the state, the aristocracy, but nothing about being an American, at The American University. All our life we’ve been taught falsely, that our political system is American. It ain’t. America was meant to be a civilian government, it has always been a party government. And the parties have always been owned and operated by the aristocracy, the establishment. That’s truth to weakness, reality to fiction.

I am about nation building. I am about the birthing of America. If you want your country, America, you are in the right place. If you join me, then we are revolutionaries, we are Americans. Here to finish what was started July 4th, 1776. That’s what this is about. Starting with this elected office.

For those who are looking for violence, why? If violence worked, ever, then the world would have been a paradise long ago. No, violence is to be hated, not embraced. Violence is deception, manipulation and physical harm, not just physical harm. Deception and manipulation are far more harmful to society than physical harm, mostly because we are socially programmed to accept it. And you’ll have to accept reality, rejecting deception, manipulation and physical harm, to be an American. What we do here is going to work. What we do here is what works. You’ll have to speak truth to weakness, reality to fiction. Americanism. One American at a time. Join us.

So what happens if I support you?

Supporting me for United States Senate in Florida, 2018, will disrupt our (forever) corrupt political process, and begin the establishment of an actual American government.  Supporting me will break your social programming, break the long standing lies of political America, further madden the media (the obedient propagandists of aristocracy), and destroy the firmness of aristocracy’s hold on us.  Supporting me will elect an American citizen where only political party hacks have served.  Supporting my campaign for United States Senate will do what they, the power elite, the aristocracy, have always worked to prevent: American self-determination.

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After all, I am someone who is not supposed to possibly win.  I am “us” not “them.” How nice to win anyway!  But only by your support is this possible.  Only.

Who am I?  What am I doing?

My name is David Kenneth Weeks, and I am asking for your support for election to the 2018 United States Senate seat, in Florida.  As a civilian candidate, which is a candidate who runs without party affiliation, I am directly accountable to you, the citizenry, not the political parties, who are not accountable to you at all.  Party candidates are accountable to their respective parties, not the citizenry.  Since party candidates are the only choices in most elections, when you vote, you vote for parities, not people, not citizens.  Which has always been distinctly un-American.  When you vote for a party candidate, you not only waste your vote, you waste the entire point of elections: civilian control of government. The parties are owned and operated by the power elite, the aristocracy, not you, nor me. That is truth to weakness, reality to fiction.

For me, politics is always about doing the wrong thing, for those who pay you best.  Yep, truth to weakness, reality to fiction. I’ve got no interest doing that.  I am a lousy politician.  I want to be your lousy politician!

My two largest contestants in this race are cream of the crop, long time accomplished politicians.  Lawyers.  Good for them, bad for us.  If you only want to pretend to have a say in the running of our government, vote for them.  If you are set to be very very disruptive, then I’m your guy!

I live in Tampa, Florida.  I am a self-employed Information Developer which includes lots of reading and writing.  I am a musician (percussion and baritone), chef, gardener, animal lover (three rescued girl cats), and I love athletics, though I am too old and injured to do sports any more. Oh, and I love baaaby talking my kitty cats! 🙂 I’ve participated in elective politics at many points in my life, mostly supporting other candidates for office.  My formal education is a Bachelor of Arts, from the School of Public Affairs, at the American University, in Washington, DC.  I was expected by my family, for good reasons, to be dead or in prison.  I rejected those things for myself, learned better, and became more than I had ever hoped to be. My extreme hardships are qualifications the Democrat and Republican candidates do not have. Qualifications that matter most, our social failure as a society, our foolish complicity as citizens. These things are beyond their experience, which is why they’ll never address them. They can’t.

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Here’s the crux of my campaign, and why you want to support me:  Americans have long been owned and operated by political party government.  My victory as a lone civilian candidate will break that unchallenged hold, and begin to take control of our government.  Something we’ve yet to do in modern times.  A victory of civilian candidacy over party candidacy will panic and enrage the establishment.  Look at their reaction to Donald Trump—and he played within their rules—as a party candidate.  Winning as a civilian candidate would indeed be very very disruptive!  Nice!! Truth to weakness, reality to fiction.

Until we displace party politicians with civilian candidates, the political parties will continue to exploit us.  We are little more than food to them.  America started, but did not accomplish, the idea that government is to be managed by civilians.  America wasn’t meant to be managed by professional politicians who serve those who best pay them, the aristocracy.  Our founding failed.  The European model of aristocracy established itself shortly after the establishment of our current United States Constitution (before and during too?).  History shows this, and our current political circumstance are rudely aristocratic.  The political parties prohibit civilians from winning elected office.  You had to serve the parties, not the people, to win.  Something I choose not to do.  And what good is your vote if you only have political party choices to choose from?  No good at all.

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Why I’ve picked the US Senate.

The United States Senate is the single most vulnerable target for civilian control:

  • There are only 100 seats,
  • they are held for six year terms,
  • they are national offices, but state races.

The Senate is a real check on the operations of Federal government.  In the Senate, I can be a disruptive productive American.  With success in the Senate, we establish that civilian candidacy can attack and win office, Senate seats, House seats, heck, even the Presidency.  It starts here, now, with me.  I run to give you a choice, your voice, in the running of government. is the organization that will provide services to those who join me, join us, on this endeavor.  An immediate obstacle to running for office, without allegiance to a political party, is that the services needed to run a campaign are mostly controlled by these parties.  You could not get any help; the talent was locked up by the political parties.  Even to work in campaigns as a professional, it has been impractical to do so without party allegiance.  I live to serve Americans, not political parties, nor the aristocracy.  For this, I like myself very much.

There’s not much to right now, that too is one of my fledgeling efforts that will grow if supported by the people.  For my part, I’m showing up and putting in the work.

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What makes me so confident?


My utter faith in God.  Whoever and whatever God happens to be.  I do not know, nor do I have to.  I’m not religious, but I am spiritual.  We, each of us, are living parts of God’s creation. Faith not hope.  Trust not certainty.  Doing the things that I can do, the rest really is up to God.  Truth to weakness, reality to fiction.

I do not have faith in myself, nor do I have faith in you. I have faith in God. For my part in this, this is what I want, and this is what I am willing to do for it. If this is what you want too, then what are you willing to do for it? I want and need you to support me, because I cannot do this on my own. All said and done, the way this plays out, I am glad to have been a part of it. Whether it goes well or goes badly, I am satisfied and grateful to have done my part. For me, there is nothing more American than that!

Reality is perfect, so I use reality to defeat cultures of fiction.  And that makes me—makes us—very very dangerous to the aristocracy that has long owned and operated the political parties that control the government(s).  They pull that off through exploitative fiction cults. Always have, always will. That’s the idea, and I sanity check my ideas with action.  The provocative power in what we do resides in the fragile nature of their fiction cults, and the productivity of our simple competence. That’s how things work. I speak truth to weakness, reality to fiction.

Join me.  I need your help.  You need my candidacy.  Together we’ll be disruptive productive Americans.  It will be fun, we will take our government back, we will found America.  It starts here, it starts now.

David Weeks
Candidate for United States Senate, Florida, 2018.

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By the way, this site’s content is written and developed by me, alone. I’ve not hired “professionals” to do this, focus grouped, asked myself: “how can I best play these fools?” though I’m reasonably sure my opponents have. Truth is provocative and disruptive to all lies and lying. Truth is the only thing that is actually productive. I ally myself with what is real, as best I can, as fearlessly as I can. So do not be surprised if I say things that are disturbing to you. Reality is what it is, regardless of what we think it is, or want it to be. No exceptions. There are plenty of reasons not to like me, except that I choose to learn from my mistakes, not deny them. These are the experiences that count. Not the cartoon caricatures of professionally polished political imaging. I’m perfect the way God made me, and so are you. Don’t get played by their fakery. As far as I am concerned, my self-written site is better. Mine speaks truth to weakness, reality to fiction.
Oh, and…

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